Prostacyclin (PGIs), 395
Prostacyclins (PGs), 389
Prostaglandin cyclooxygenase, 95
Prostaglandin Ej, 505
Prostaglandins (PGs), 207, 389, 391,445
gastric, 207
Prostanoic acid, 391
Prostanoids, 365, 390, 391
biological properties of, 395
Prostatic carcinomas, 335
Prosthetic group, 85, 106
Protease-resistant prion proteins, 64
se e
viral proteinases
i -proteinase inhibitor deficiency, 581
catabolism during starvation, 510
dietary intake of, 509
disposition, 509
energy source, 508
link, 185
phosphatase inhibitors, 290
phosphatases, 290
synthesis, 508
Protein 4.1, 164
Protein activity
regulation of, 608
Protein C, 845, 857, 867
activation of, 858
Protein C inhibitor, 845
Protein digestion
disorders of, 216
Protein energy malnutrition, 333
Protein kinase, 220
Protein kinase C (C-kinase), 720
Protein kinase C (PKC), 474
Protein kinase C activation, 738
Protein phosphatase-1,287-289
Protein phosphatase-2A, 287
Protein phosphatase-2B, 287
Protein phosphatase-2C, 287
Protein replacement therapy, 222
Protein S, 845, 858, 867
SSB proteins, 552
Protein stability regulator, 612
Protein synthesis, 576
antibiotic inhibitors, 583
stages of, 576
termination, 579
Protein synthesis in eukaryotes
inhibitors of, 585
Protein turnover, 331
Protein-losing gastroenteropathy, 214
8 6
precursor, 852
contact phase,
8 6
inhibitors of, 859
a i-proteinase, 103
Proteinase domain structures, 848
Proteinase inhibitors, 102, 184, 842,
849, 858
a-1 proteinase inhibitor, 845
Proteinase precursors, 842, 846
Proteins, 331
examples of,
1 1 2
kinetics of,
amyloidogenic rich, /3-structure, 64
chaperone, 581
crystallins, 155
determination of primary structure, 36
digestion, 214
disorders of digestion, 216
energy source, 508
essential amino acids, 214
folding of, 59
pathway, 60
human lens, 155
integral, 156
peripheral, 156
of hemostatic system, 850
posttranslational modification of, 579
primary structure, 35, 53
quaternary structure, 58
ras, 495
requirements, 214
secondary structure, 53
separation of, 36
tau, 61,482
vitamin K-related, 862
G-proteins, 464
Proteins of the complement system, 828
Proteins of the hemostatic system, 850
schematic view, 185
Proteoglycans, 182, 307
turnover, 186
Proteolipids, 259
Proteomics, 542
Prothrombin, 843
Prothrombin activation complex, 853
Prothrombin activation complex
(prothrombinase), 853
Prothrombin time (PT), 864, 865
Prothrombinase, 853
Proto-oncogene, 610
Sn protoporphyrin, 690
Sn4+ protoporphyrin, 696
Protofibril, 55
Protomers, 111
Proton conductance, 224
Proton-pump inhibition, 205
Proton-translocating respiratory chain, 258
Protonophore, 261
Protoporphyrin IX and heme, 685
Protoporphyrinogen IX, 685, 687
Protoporphyrinogen oxidase, 687
Protransglutaminase, 850
Provitamin D, 880
PRPP synthetase reaction, 625
Pseudo-Hurler’s polydystrophy, 315
Pseudo-Hurler’s polydystrophy, 186
Pseudogenes, 463, 530
Pseudogout, 633
Pseudohermaphroditism, 707
Pseudohypoparathyroidism, 718,
8 8 6
Pseudohypoparathyroidism type la,
P seu d o m o n a s a eru g in o sa ,
Pseudomonoclonal bands, 954
8 8 6
Pseudouridine, 564
PstI, 531
PTC, 843
PTEN, 612
Pteroylglutamic acid, 615, 922
PTH, 714
PTH, calcitonin, and serum concentrations,
PTH-amino acid, 44
Pulmonary, 765
Pulmonary diseases, 26
Pulmonary embolism, 132
Pulmonary infection, 221
Pulmonary respiratory system, 765
Pulmonary surfactant, 406
Pure vegetarian diet, 333
Purine and pyrimidine nucleotide
coordination, 642
Purine biosynthesis
inhibitors, 626
regulation, 625
Purine deoxyribonucleotides
formation, 624
Purine nucleoside analogues used as
antiviral agents, 628
Purine nucleoside phosphorylase, 634
Purine nucleotide cycle, 471,623
Purine nucleotide metabolism
disorders, 630
Purine nucleotides, 637
biosynthesis, 620
catabolism, 628
energy metabolism, 471
Purines, 508
Purkinje cells, 465
Puromycin, 583
Puromycin, 585
Pyloric glands
G cells, 199
Pyloric mucosa, 198
Pyr 1-3, 638
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